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Adult Social Care Overview

Structure charts and information about the different services within Camden ASC.

Adult Social Care Overview

Whether you are new to Camden or want to understand the different services that make up Adult Social Care, here you can find information about the structure of ASC and how each team and service connects to one another. 

Welcome to Camden Adult Social Care!

Check out the Adult Social Care structure chart to see all the services and how they connect with each other.

There are a few roles in the structure chart that we haven't described in detail on these pages. If you are curious about what these people do, try reaching out in the office or via Teams and find out.


We have three services made up of social care practitioners who help to understand what matters to people and connect them to the right kind of support. They are: 

You can find out more about these services on each of their information pages. They have various teams that include social workers, access and support officers, nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, psychologists, and speech and language therapists. You will also find practitioners at various stages of training; from students, newly-qualified workers, and apprentices to senior practitioners. 

These services are supported by our Principal Social Worker (PSW) and Practice Development Leads, who focus on ways that we as an organisation can help teams and individuals to develop professionally. See who's in the Principal Social Work team.

In Camden, alongside the services that we commission from outside of the Council, lots of the support that people can access is directly delivered by our own Provider Services, including supported living, day services, and assistive technologySee who's on your team in Provider Services.

Within Adult Social Care, there are many of our colleagues working to ensure that we can support people financially; through paying the right amount for their care, having access to financial support and benefits, and money management. There are colleagues who look after the systems we use to record information, and who make sure we are always looking at the quality of what we do to produce the best outcomes for people in Camden. 

Camden has been described as having a "rebellious spirit" and we want to make sure that we are continually creative in our approach to social care. That's why we have teams of people dedicated to innovation and transformation, working with the rest of Adult Social Care to help people live out what matters to them. See who's on your team in Insight, Quality and Financial Services and ASC Innovation Service.

If you're new to Camden, we're so pleased you're here. Check out our Induction pages for more support.

If you're not so new, we hope you find the information you were looking for on the Practice Guide, but if not send us a message to Camden Care Choices and let us know.

Last updated: 07 January 2025