Family Early Help
Induction Pack
Your manager will have given you this when you first start in your role, but just in case here is our FSCF induction pack, full of the 'first few weeks' essential information you'll need to get started on your Camden journey.
Induction pack (family workers)
Induction pack (early help coordinators)
Induction Surveys
We want to make sure we give you the best possible start to your Camden journey. To help us with this, your line manager will ask if you would be willing to complete a pre induction survey. The answers you give will help your line manager to tailor your induction to your needs and hopes. You should aim to complete this survey by the end of your first week at Camden.
Here is the link to the survey Family Support and Complex Families Pre-Induction Survey (
We will then ask you to complete a post-induction survey at the end of your first 6 weeks at Camden, to make sure we met your hopes and expectations and anything we could have done differently. You can find the post induction survey here Family Support and Complex Families Post-Induction Survey (
Early Help Workflow
When you first start as a family worker or early help coordinator in Camden, you will get introduced to our workflow. Our workflow is two things:
1. the helping journey we go on with families, and the timeframes we give ourselves to complete pieces of work along the way
2. the way we record that work on Mosaic
Here is a simple table showing the stages of the helping journey and the timeframes for completing each piece of work along the journey:
All the days in the above table are working days. If you want to print off or save a copy of this simple explainer, you can find it here
What is Mosaic and How do I Use It?
Mosaic is our case recording system. It's where you will store all the information, casenotes and documents recording your time with a family.
Once you start in your role, you will receive a Mosaic log-in. Your manager will arrange for you to attend training to learn how to use the system, and support you as you learn. If you make a mistake, don't worry! Let your manager know and they can connect you with the Mosaic team who can help you to correct the error.
Remember everything on Mosaic is part of the chronology of the family's journey that they might ask to see one day. So keeping the Mosaic record for all members of the family up to date, thoughtful and well-cared for is really important. It is part of family's story and we should honour it that way.
Here is the Early Help Mosaic Manual which will show you step by step how to do each task on Mosaic. If you get stuck, please do ask a manager or contact Patrick Dorrian, Gary Sweetapple or Yetunde Bright in the Mosaic team (on Outlook).
Early Help Dashboard
To help you with your workflow, Family Early Help has a dashboard where you can see all of families you are working with, what stage of the work they are at, and how many days you have to complete pieces of work. You can find the dashboard here
If you have any problems accessing the dashboard, contact Jay Virdee or Roland Ramos in the early help data team (on Outlook)
Here is a Dashboard User Guide to help you.