Children looked after and care leavers
Camden recognises that looked after children need to be in a stable placement that meets their needs and allows them to thrive.
Social workers should refer to the Placement planning and disruption meetings policy.
For details on procedures for obtaining placements and placing children, and what to do in the event of placement breakdown, please refer to the Placements practice guidance.
Details of placement processes can be found here:
For placements in unregulated settings the Resource will carry out relevant checks under the Procedures for unregulated provision.
Whenever a disruption meeting is held following the breakdown of a permanent placement:
Please use the placement quality assurance and monitoring visit form available on MOSAIC to record visits to unregulated provision.
Information about emergency placements at St Josephs can be found in the Out of hours emergency referrals leaflet.
The disruption meeting agenda should be followed.
The following reports should be completed for the meeting: