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Social Work Education and ASYE

Information and an overview of what the ASYE program is for newly qualified social workers.

Social Work Education and ASYE

This section provides information about Social Work Education and the Assessed and Supported Year in employment (ASYE) 12 month programme for newly qualified social workers (NQSW) and to provide an overview of the programme and raise awareness for other Adult Social Care staff.

Social workers with at least two years’ qualifying experience can train to be a practice educator and support social work students and other learners. Information is sent out about this every year around June as the courses starts in the autumn.

The Practice Education Course Briefing provides detailed information about becoming a practice educator. 

The slide pack from Royal Holloway University provides details of the Practice Education Programmes (PEPS) course.

If you want to be a practice educator or are a practice educator more information can be made available to you from Sally Nieman. 


Last updated: 12 June 2024