Who is in Adult Social Care
The ASC Neighbourhoods Service is made up of the following teams and the service structure charts are available:
The Front Door to ASC is Contact Camden working collaboratively with a small group of adult social care professionals. The Front Door team work to ensure people referred with presenting care and support needs are assisted in a timely manner. The team do this by providing information and advice, as well as signposting people to the appropriate services in their community. Where needed, people will also be referred for additional support to one of the five Neighbourhood Teams.
The Neighbourhood teams are geographically based across five Neighbourhoods:
- North
- West
- Central
- South
- East
Please see attached geographical map of our Neighbourhood teams.
The Neighbourhood Teams work with people who may need care and support in their local community to enable them to live a healthy and independent life. The Teams ensure that people are appropriately assessed and supported as required.
There are 3 Hospital Social Work Teams. They are based at:
- Royal Free Hospital
- University College London Hospital
- St Pancras Hospital
The Hospital Social Work Teams focus on assessing people’s care and support needs when they are being discharged from hospital. The Hospital Social Work teams ensure a safe and timely discharge of patients back into the community (with care, if needed), or into residential and nursing placements for further assessment.
The Safeguarding team (MASH - Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) works closely with other agencies, including the police, to protect vulnerable adults who may be at risk of harm and abuse.
The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) team focus on ensuring that Best Interest Assessments are undertaken as required by the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
The Placement Reviews Team undertakes the majority of residential or nursing placement reviews both within Camden, as well as when people may be supported in a placement out-of-Borough.
The ASC Specialist Support Team is a new team that is working to develop pathways for people who may face multiple challenges which impact on their ability to live a healthy and independent life. This could involve combinations of homelessness, substance misuse, mental ill health, self-neglect and hoarding, and cuckooing.