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In Camden we believe quality starts with what matters most to people, and what enables them to live their lives in the way they want.

Quality Assurance

We understand that people who draw on care and support are the experts in their own lives. Excellent care and support can only be achieved by adopting a strengths-based approach that understands a person’s unique history, current circumstances, future aspirations and what really matters to them.

Our principles

There are seven key principles at the heart of Supporting People, Connecting Communities that drive our ambition for people to live and age well in Camden. In monitoring and evaluating our continued learning and improvement we will always be guided by these principles.





What Matters is our approach to delivering strengths-based care. It’s about building empowering relationships, putting people at the centre of decisions, and understanding what matters most to them.

It requires that we identify individual and collective community strengths, using strengths-based models of practice to ensure people can fully participate as active members of their local communities, able to fully engage in work, education, and leisure with opportunities to meet family and friends when they want to.

What Matters is underpinned by several approaches and a framework that support us to keep people at the heart of practice.

What matters framework




As a commitment to the What Matters approach, a list of Adult Social Care Outcomes were developed with citizens and people who are “experts by experience” to measure ourselves on whether we are succeeding. The outcomes are the foundation of our Quality Assurance Framework, ensuring we consider quality through the lens of people who draw on care and support, their carers, and families.

ASC Outcomes



Last updated: 02 February 2024