Supporting you in your role
The Assessed and Supported Year in employment (ASYE) is a 12 month programme for newly qualified social workers (NQSW) to support them to transition from qualifying education to professional social work in their first year of employment.
In Camden all newly qualified social workers must undertake the ASYE.
The ASYE programme provides additional support to consolidate the knowledge and skills gained through qualifying education. It is a protected year to strengthen NQSWs’ confidence and help them to find their feet in a social work setting with all its complexities and challenges. NQSWs have more regular supervision, a reduced caseload and are allocated protected time for professional development.
Practice is assessed holistically against the Professional Capability Framework (PCF) and the Knowledge and Skills Statement (Adults). Every NQSW is allocated an assessor to support and assess their practice. This may be the NQSW’s line manager but is usually another social worker with a practice educator qualification.
The NQSW has to produce a portfolio during the year to evidence their work and progression. The key documents required over the year are based on direct observations and feedback from professionals and adults who draw on care and support. This is supplemented by critical reflection logs written by the NQSW at intervals throughout the year, and regular assessment reports completed by the assessor. Regular reviews are also held through the year.
Camden’s ASYE handbook provides more detailed information about the ASYE.
The ASYE is a national programme applicable in all settings (across adults’ and children’s services). It is overseen by Skills for Care ASYE (