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In Camden we believe quality starts with what matters most to people, and what enables them to live their lives in the way they want.

Quality Assurance

We understand that people who draw on care and support are the experts in their own lives. Excellent care and support can only be achieved by adopting a strengths-based approach that understands a person’s unique history, current circumstances, future aspirations and what really matters to them.

Our approach to quality assurance

Quality assurance and improvement is not an additional activity, but an integral part of everyday practice.

This Quality Assurance Framework outlines what we need to do to ensure our work is of the highest quality.

It sets out the different quality assurance activities carried out by Camden Adult Social Care and partners.

The Framework draws activities together under a clear governance process with a consistent theme of best practice and continuous learning.

It is designed to improve quality while influencing ongoing learning and development opportunities for staff.

The Framework also helps us monitor whether we are delivering on the commitments of Supporting People, Connecting Communities, our strategy for living and ageing well in Camden, and track our progress on these commitments over time.

This continuous self-evaluation means we can better understand the impact we are having on the people we serve and ensures that we continuously challenge ourselves on what more we can do. 

The content of the framework applies to all social care practitioners and staff within adult social care, including services commissioned and provided in-house by Camden Council.

The purpose of the framework is to support the Camden Adult Social Care service to:

  • Adhere to the principles of the Care Act 2014
  • Align with TLAP (Think Local Act Personal) and Social Care Future Principles
  • Ensure the voice of the resident is at the heart of everything we do
  • Ensure the principles of Supporting People Connecting Communities are embedded in all service practice and delivery
  • Ensure we keep people who need support safe, and at the heart of decision making (Making Safeguarding Personal)
  • Ensure that wellbeing, independence, choice and control are at the forefront of all interactions
  • Support adults with care and support needs to achieve the outcomes that they identify
  • Design quality into our service through the development and delivery of practice standards
  • Ensure our service consistently strives to deliver best practice and that the impact of our efforts is measured
  • Improve the level of feedback received from adults who draw on social care support, their carers, their families, as well as frontline staff
  • Support a workforce culture committed to learning and continual improvement
  • Identify and tackle social inequalities and injustices wherever we find them

Further information about the purpose of the QA framework and structure is available. 


Last updated: 02 February 2024