Supporting you in your role
The framework is governed by the Quality Board, a quarterly meeting of senior managers from across Adult Social Care and chaired by the Director of Adult Social Services
Quality Board membership:
Executive Director of Adults and Health, Director of Adult Social Services
Head of ASC Operations and Deputy Director of Adult Social Services
Principal Social Worker (ASC)
Head of Integrated Learning Disability Service
Head of Adult Social Care Neighbourhoods
Head of Insight, Quality and Financial Services
Head of ASC Strategy and Commissioning and Deputy Director of Adult Social Care
Head of Adults Commissioning
Assistant Director of Integrated Commissioning Mental Health and Learning Disabilities
Head of Services, Services for Ageing and Mental Health
Head of ASC Innovation
Head of Provider Services
ASC Programme Lead
ASC Quality Assurance Lead
Associate member
Personalisation Consultant, Clenton Farquharson
Quality Board terms of reference
The Quality Board is responsible for:
- monitoring and reviewing the QF implementation plan
- ensuring that the QF achieves its purpose of quality assurance and improvement
- reviewing the evidence gathered through the Quality Tools and to agree improvement actions
- communicating the quality assurance activities undertaken as well as the lessons learnt to frontline staff
- ensuring the necessary recommendations and actions are cascaded through the relevant forums and training plans
- acknowledging and congratulating good practice in service delivery
- responsibility for recording practice, including keeping recording practice guidance up to date
- setting and delivering annual programme of quality work, and checking progress against this plan
The Quality Board will ensure that it links with the wider directorate via the leadership team meetings, other relevant meetings and general staff communications.
There will be a forward plan for the Board, with each Head of Service reporting back to the Board on:
Evidence, findings, and insights from the quality tools below, demonstrating measurement and ongoing learning through;
- Panel
- Compliments and complaints
- Safeguarding audits
- Resident feedback
Actions and plans to improve quality based on these findings
Communications Plan
There will also be general and cross cutting items for the Board to discuss, oversee and ensure outcomes are achieved including
- Themes from panel
- External audits and action plans
- Complaints and lessons learnt
- Customer feedback and trends in customer experience
Staff-led items including
- Feedback from forums and surgeries
- Feedback from self-audits
There will be an opportunity to highlight learning and updates from external sources, for example
- Themes from Camden-wide activity e.g., findings from risk panel
- Legal changes or new guidance
- Information from external networks such as the Principal Social Worker Network
- Changes at a regional level e.g., pan London
The Board will endeavour to include quality improvement tools and approaches in their work processes and meetings as a group.
Quality Action Group
The purpose of the Quality Action Group is to oversee the delivery of the Quality Assurance Framework and to support and drive good quality operational practice and care provision in Adult Social Care.
The Group is led by a member of the Senior Leadership Team and represented by operational teams across ASC and C&I to ensure there is connection between operational practice, strategic planning and priorities in relation to quality.
The Group feeds into the quarterly Quality Board.
Further details about the Quality Action Group is available in its Terms of Reference.