Supporting you in your role
Quality assurance is a shared responsibility
To ensure we keep to and uphold the commitment we make to people who draw on care and support, their families, and carers, we each have a role to play in contributing to high standards of practice and service delivery through our Quality Assurance Framework.
See below to understand how responsibilities are shared
Practitioners are accountable for:
- Quality assuring their own work including recording
- Seeking support when required
- Sharing good practice with colleagues
- Reflecting critically in practice in supervision
- Taking up opportunities to enhance learning and development
- Actively encouraging people’s participation and voice
- Providing feedback to commissioners and in house provider services on the quality of services.
Team Managers and Service Managers are accountable for:
- Monitoring team performance
- Quality checking practice through audits
- Monitoring individuals/managers performance, learning /development objectives and support needs
- Dealing effectively with complaints
- Building on and celebrating compliments received
- Reporting progress and evidence of best practice as well as raising issues with the SMT.
Principal Social Worker/Practice Leads are accountable for:
- Professional leadership to ensure high quality practice
- Providing opportunities to listen to the workforce and receive feedback on growth in practice
- Developing and implementing new divisional policy.
- Providing leadership on evidencing and building upon best practice, learning from SARS, LeDers and Serious Incidents
- Challenging practice and service delivery to improve outcomes for people drawing on care and support, carers, and their families.
In house Provider Services are accountable for:
- Monitoring Performance
- Carrying out quality assurance activities
- Data collection and analysis
- Monitoring individuals/managers performance, learning /development objectives and support needs
- Dealing effectively with complaints
- Building on and celebrating compliments received
- Delivering high-quality care through services that are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led and that use resources sustainably.
Commissioners are accountable for:
- Developing a partnership approach with providers to ensure that commissioned services mirror the values of Camden Council
- Contract monitoring to ensure high quality performance and recognise opportunities for service improvement and service development
- Managing service improvement plans
- Ensuring that during the procurement process quality and quality assurance methodology is an integral part of the tender process, that runs through the whole life of the contract
- Fulfilling Care act responsibilities in relation to oversight of non-commissioned CQC registered providers and taking action where required in relation to quality across the whole care market
- Involving partners, operational teams and residents in contract monitoring
- Encouraging and gathering feedback from the adult social care workforce on any quality issues and safeguarding
- Engaging with and providing learning opportunities, forums and check in meetings with providers
- Distributing relevant information that impacts on quality e.g learning from SARs
- Working with relevant NCL or London wide commissioning leads on joint service improvement plans when appropriate
- Utilising information from a wide range of sources to identify trends and develop knowledge of the market
- Conducting monthly Provider Oversight Boards with ASC, commissioners, health partners, quality, and safety colleagues to discuss any quality and/or safeguarding issues
- Sharing relevant information about provider quality
- Quarterly meetings with the CQC to share information about the local market of providers and identify key risks.
SMT and Elected Members are accountable for:
- Monitoring Performance
- Listening to staff and experts by experience
- Promoting rights of residents and carers
- Holding senior management to account
- Monitoring and reviewing the QA Framework implementation plan
- Agreeing improvement actions
- Acknowledging and congratulating good practice in service delivery
- Ensuring that performance and quality information is analysed and used to inform service delivery as well as strategic planning and commissioning.