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Learning and development

Information on learning and development resources in Adult Social Care

Learning and development

Nurturing and supporting our workforce is a key principle of valuing our staff. Camden is committed to ensuring that everyone has access to a comprehensive learning and development plan that will help them advance in their professional development and also equip them with skills and knowledge to carry out their role safely, effectively and to a high standard.

Further information can be found on the Learning at Camden page on Essentials

Continuing professional development (CPD) is a reflection and learning activity that registered professionals e.g. social workers, occupational therapists etc undertake throughout their career to maintain and improve practice. It's important to remember that CPD is not just about attending training courses. Although formal training can be an important aspect of learning, CPD can be any activity you feel would benefit you and your practice.

Social workers

Social workers are regulated by Social Work England and need to meet professional standards as part of their registration. It is a requirement that social workers record their CPD on a regular basis as part of their registration. 

Occupational therapists

CPD is imperative to the consistent learning and development of Occupational Therapy professionals. It is required to ensure that professional knowledge and skills are kept up to date so that they can perform to the standards set out by both the Royal College of Occupational Therapy (RCOT) and Health and Care Professions Council. There is a wide offer of CPD opportunities via the L&D website and also external opportunities via RCOT and other resources. For further information please consult the Lead Practitioner occupational therapist.

Last updated: 19 April 2022