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Information on reablement for social care practitioners






Reablement is a service that can support people to improve, develop and regain the confidence and skills needed to manage activities of daily living and live as independently as possible.  Reablement support usually takes place in the person’s home, but where that is not possible, Camden has a small number of reablement flats at  which can be used for short-term reablement.

There are 13 adapted reablement flats at Henderson Court, available where reablement support cannot be delivered within a person's own home.  Attached is information about Henderson Court flats including guidance on how to refer a person - Reablement flats at Henderson Court Guidance.

All referrals will need to be clear about the following points:

  • Why the person can’t receive reablement in their own home – what is it that makes a reablement flat the better option?
  • Does the person have a permanent residence of their own? Is the plan that they will go home after the reablement service?
  • If the person has Ordinary residence status within Camden, but is homeless or awaiting a housing transfer, repair or deep clean, there must be a plan in place for the onward destination as soon as the agreed period of reablement ends.

Referrals to Henderson Court will not be considered if there is no clear on-going housing plan.

The referrer or allocated worker will be the contact person in case of night care needs, which will be discussed at referral stage.

To make a reablement referral to Henderson Court, download and complete a Referral Form and send it to

Last updated: 04 November 2024