Connecting people to support
Henderson Court offers 13 reablement flats available to Camden residents.
The flats offer accommodation-based reablement care and support for up to 4 weeks (which can, on exceptions, be extended to 6 weeks if formally authorised) based on person’s needs and identified goals.
It is open for people leaving hospital who may need an extended period of reablement where it cannot be completed in their usual place of residence.
The flats may be used for alternative uses on a case-by-case basis (e.g. to prevent hospital admission or to provide community reablement when not appropriate at home)
Details of eligibility criteria include: ·
- Must have Ordinary Residence in Camden and be over 55 years of age
- Be unable to receive reablement care in their home environment
- Have capacity to sign a licence agreement or have a representative who can sign on their behalf (lasting power of attorney to enter into the agreement or permission from the Court of Protection).
- Clear reablement goals with the potential to improve on their current ability to function.
- Must be ready and willing to participate.
- Does not display behaviours that can endanger themselves or other residents.
- Is safe to be left alone in-between care visits.