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Information on reablement for social care practitioners






Reablement is a service that can support people to improve, develop and regain the confidence and skills needed to manage activities of daily living and live as independently as possible.  Reablement support usually takes place in the person’s home, but where that is not possible, Camden has a small number of reablement flats at  which can be used for short-term reablement.

There are 13 adapted reablement flats at Henderson Court, available where reablement support cannot be delivered within a person's own home.  Attached is information about Henderson Court flats including guidance on how to refer a person - Reablement flats at Henderson Court Guidance.

Reablement is a service that provides support to enable people to improve and develop the skills needed to manage activities of daily living as independently as possible. Some of these skills may have declined due to illness and poor health which may happen within a person’s own environment/home or because of an acute hospital admission.

Activities of daily living (ADL) are routine activities that people do every day, such as washing and dressing, moving around the home, preparing food and drinks and accessing the community (e.g. shopping, attending GP appointments, visiting friends).

Reablement uses a strength based approach to reduce the need for ongoing care and support by improving a person’s functional ability and confidence.  During the reablement period, the person works towards agreed goals with their enabler(s).   It is likely that the time needed on a reablement support plan will be greater than on an ongoing care plan as the focus is on active participation.

Last updated: 25 October 2024