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Information for practitioners on s117 aftercare

Section 117 Aftercare

Section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA), amended in 2007, is the statutory duty on both health and local authorities to provide free aftercare for people who have been detained under certain sections of the Mental Health Act.

The purpose of Section 117 aftercare services is to meet the persons needs arising from or related to their mental health condition and reduce the risk of deterioration of their mental health condition (and accordingly the risk of admission).

The Section 117 Aftercare policy for Camden and Islington (updated December 2024) is available. 

A person is eligible for Section 117 if subject to either of the following;
• been detained under Section 3, or
• been admitted to hospital in pursuance of a hospital order made under Section 37 or 41, or
• been transferred to a hospital in pursuance of a hospital direction made under Section 45A or a transfer direction under Section 47 or 48.  

This includes people granted leave of absence under Section 17 and people discharged onto a Community Treatment Order (CTO) for the entire period of the CTO.

It applies to people of all ages, including children and young people.

Immigration exclusions under Schedule 3 Nationality and Asylum Act 2002 do not apply to Section 117 therefore eligibility to Section 117 is not affected by immigration status.

It applies to people who have no recourse to public funds.

Prisoners that are transferred to hospital under Section 47 or Section 48 are eligible for Section 117 aftercare or when they are released from prison having spent part of their sentence detained in hospital under a relevant section of the Act.

A person who is eligible for Section 117 aftercare has the same rights to NHS Continuing Health Care (CHC) for their physical or other health needs that fall outside the scope of Section 117.

Individuals eligible to Section 117 are also eligible to NHS Funded Nursing Care (FNC).

Further information can be found in the S117 policy and National Framework for NHS CHC and NHS FNC.

Last updated: 23 January 2025