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Children and young people's disability service (CYPDS)

Children and young people's disability service (CYPDS)

Camden’s Children and Young People’s Disability Service (CYPDS) is the main provider of statutory social care services for children and young people aged 0-25 with complex needs arising from their disability.

CYPDS policies are based on the Special Educational Needs and Disability code of practice that sets out the statutory framework for provision of services for children with special educational needs and disabilities. 

The CYPDS operational policy and procedures provide details of how the needs of children and young people with disabilities will be met and describes their journey, from the assessment, planning and review of services, arrangements for their preparation for adulthood and their transition to adulthood. 

The Deprivation of Liberty policy sets out the steps to be taken to authorise any package of care that may result in the restriction of a young person's liberty.

Where decisions are being taken on packages of care that may restrict a young person's liberty, a best interest meeting should be held and social workers should refer to the Best interest meeting guidance for further details. 

Children with disabilities are more vulnerable to harm and abuse than their peers and it is important that social workers recognise these vulnerabilities and the standards of practice required to safeguard this cohort. Information is available in the Safeguarding children with disabilities policy.



Last updated: 09 November 2021