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Permanence and adoption

Permanence and adoption

All children need to grow up in a stable family environment that meets their developmental needs and assures their safety and security throughout their childhood in order to give them a sense of permanence.

It is Camden's policy that wherever possible, siblings remain together when being permanently placed.

However it is recognised that sometimes, it may not be in the best interests of siblings to be placed together and social workers may need to make decisions on separating them.

The following tools have been developed to help social workers assess sibling relationships in order to inform these decisions.

The Coram/BAAF siblings' charter sets out the standards of best practice to ensure children understand why decisions on separation have been made.

Assessments should be recorded on the Coram/BAAF sibling assessment report. 

Further guidance is available in the Coram/BAAF sibling assessment checklist and guidance document.

Last updated: 25 March 2022