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Care proceedings

Care proceedings

Some permanence options for children who cannot return home may involve seeking a care order or other court order via care proceedings.

The following resources are available to social workers to help with care proceedings and court work.

Court handbook for social workers

What makes a good SWET powerpoint

RIP pre-proceedings and family justice hub

Social workers need to follow the Family Courts protocol when referring children and families to Contact Centres in family proceedings.

The Family Courts are currently running a pilot to allow journalists and legal bloggers to report on family court cases. Social workers should read this guidance if they become aware that a journalist or blogger is attending a hearing.

It is strongly recommended that social workers watch this CAFCASS film that explains what it's like for children experiencing c care proceedings.

Taking me seriously

The President of the Family Court has produced this guidance on judge's writing to children involved in care proceedings.

Last updated: 27 February 2025