Step one
Placing borough: Confirm there is no suitable service in borough that can meet the person’s needs.
Step two
Placing borough: Contact the relevant learning disabilities team at the earliest possible opportunity to talk through the person’s needs, local knowledge on potentially suitable providers. You may want to do this informally to begin with.
Contact the relevant brokerage team to identify possible options and set up placement.
Host borough: Respond to enquiries about local provision and suitable options.
Depending on the borough, they may also be able to support with brokering placement at suitable price.
Step three
Placing borough: In a crisis situation where someone needs an urgent placement there may not be the opportunity to consult the host borough in advance. However, the placing borough should still notify and provide the relevant information below, including.
- Name of person
- Date of Birth
- Individual’s ID number
- Type of support
- Target date of provision commencing
- Indication of likely local health service involvement
- Contingency plan
Placing borough: Maintain record of other NCL borough placements.
You can also read the In-Borough Living Block Contract and Spot Arrangements guidance for further information and advice on setting up a new license or tenancy.