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ASC Neighbourhoods Service

Camden Council’s ASC Neighbourhoods Service is the largest service in ASC

ASC Neighbourhoods Service

The ASC Neighbourhoods Service supports people from age 18 years with physical and/or sensory needs and older adults who have care and support needs. We promote their independence and well-being to enable them to live healthy and independent lives within their communities.

We support people to live a healthy and independent life, This may include:

  • Providing information and advice about how individuals can support themselves to stay well.
  • Connecting individuals into services that are available in their local community.
  • Exploring short-term support options to help individuals regain their strength, confidence, and independence for the long-term. This may involve specialist equipment or adaptations to the home environment.

If longer-term support is required, we will speak to individuals about what that could look like. As part of this, we will also explain how the funding and charges for services work.

Last updated: 23 July 2024