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ASC Neighbourhoods Service

Camden Council’s ASC Neighbourhoods Service is the largest service in ASC

ASC Neighbourhoods Service

Camden’s ASC Neighbourhoods Service supports people from aged 18, including autistic adults, with a range of needs that relate to physical or mental health, frailty, homelessness or drug and alcohol dependence. We promote their independence and well-being to enable them to live healthy and independent lives within their communities.

This page outlines a sequence of steps that follow when a referral is received. It includes various actions that are taken at each Conversation and when decisions are made.

Attached is a map that sets out the steps, starting from when the person finds out where to get help, through to being connected to support.  

Upon receipt of a referral from Contact Camden Front Door

When a referral is received, it is recorded, and then referred to the relevant Neighbourhood Team to complete a Conversation 1.

Actions as part of Conversation 1 may include:
• signposting to other services
• connecting people to the wider community (e.g. Social Prescribing)
• providing information, advice and guidance.

If ongoing support is needed the person is moved to a Conversation 2.

Actions as part of Conversation 2

At Conversation 2, a Neighbourhood Team Manager would triage and prioritise for risks and mitigations to ensure they remain safe.

Examples of support a person might also receive at Conversation 2 are:

• Family Group Conferencing, although FGC may be offered at any point in the person’s care journey
• Reablement.

Actions as part of Conversation 3

If ongoing support is required Conversation 3 would be completed.

In this stage:

• a conversation would be about what the person’s long term care could look like to enable them to build a meaningful life.
• eligibility determination and financial assessment could be completed so that commissioned care can be put in place.

Last updated: 16 August 2024