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What Matters in Practice

Overview of the What Matters approach

What Matters in Practice

What Matters is proudly Camden’s approach to delivering Adult Social Care (ASC) support since 2019.  It is our attempt at placing people at the heart of everything that we do, and it recognises that people are the experts in their own lives.  Through the approach, we support people, carers, families, and communities to focus on what really matters to them and collectively, we find the best solutions to the difficulties they face.

What Matters focuses on building a culture of strengths-based practice:

  • Using 3 Conversations framework to build relationships and focus on what matters
  • Using coaching style conversations to identify strengths and opportunities, and to building confidence
  • Using peer support and supervision to engage more in reflective practice
  • Using Family Group Conferences to help people making the most of their natural support networks
  • Using Assistive Technology, Direct Payments, Making Safeguarding Personal discussions to promote independence and control
  • Using strengths based practice to manage everyday risks and build community resilience

What Matters - strength based practice principles are:

  1. We assume everyone has strengths, potential and something positive to contribute
  2. We recognise that strong relationships are central to people's wellbeing
  3. We work alongside people to give them choice and controls and to develop their skills and capabilities
  4. We stay curious because we recognise that everyone has a unique story to tell
  5. We help people to maintain hope so they can see possibilities
  6. We acknowledge that positive risk taking is an essential part of independent living
  7. We build resilience so that people feel equipped to deal with challenges they face now and in the future
  8. We use plain, non-judgemental language in a way that shows respect to people
  9. We are committed to getting to know the community we service and developing the links and opportunities within it

For more information you can have a look through the What Matters FAQ's, briefing slides and summary brief.

Mosaic guidance can be found on the Mosaic page.

Last updated: 07 June 2023