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Case Studies and Stories of Change

If you have an idea for a story, please contact Jake Binns or Fung-yee Lee.

Case Studies and Stories of Change

Here you can find case studies and stories which demonstrate best practice in Adult Social Care.

Trainees at Unity Works’ kitchen at the Greenwood Centre will support communities around Camden following a new batch of funding from Camden Giving

Unity Works supports people with a learning disability with employment skills and training in their social enterprises including cafés, fulfilment centres, and garden centre. The café at the Greenwood Centre, a Camden Council building that houses the Centre for Independent Living and facilities for mental health and learning disability services, currently hosts _ trainees with a learning disability. Each takes part in assessments to enhance their culinary ability, and prepare them for the world of work.   

Employment of people with a learning disability is increasingly important in the modern world. Base reports that the employment rate for people with a learning disability fell to 4.8% between 21 and 22.  With numbers declining, training programmes such as those at Unity Works fill a valuable role and help support people with a learning disability to enter employment.

The meals cooked by Unity Works trainees will be distributed from foodbanks across the borough. Foodbanks are an increasingly used service by people in the current cost-of-living crisis. The Trussell Trust reports that 283,563 food parcels were given by London foodbanks in their network in 21-22 Meals prepared by the Unity Works trainees will reflect the diversity of Camden residents, including providing halal meals.

You can find out more about supported employment at Unity Works here , and you can find out more about support for people with a learning disability from the council.  

Last updated: 05 March 2024