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Safeguarding Duties and Procedures

Quick guidance to Safeguarding for social care practitioners

Safeguarding Duties and Procedures

Safeguarding means protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. It is about people and organization’s working together to prevent and stop both the risks and experience of abuse or neglect, while at the same time making sure that the adult’s wellbeing is promoted including, having regard to their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs.   

The Persons in Position of Trust (PiPoT) Policy and Procedures is available and work is underway to review the document.

The Camden Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board (SAPB) is a partnership of statutory, voluntary and independent organisations that leads adult safeguarding in the borough and oversees how agencies across Camden work together to prevent abuse and protect adults who may be at risk of harm.

The SAPB is a key statutory mechanism, operating under Section 43 and Schedule 2 of the Care Act 2014, for ensuring that there is a robust multi-agency safeguarding framework in place and monitoring the effect this has on helping and protecting adults in Camden.

  • publish an annual strategic plan
  • publish an annual report
  • conduct Safeguarding Adults Reviews of serious cases in specific circumstances

The current Chair of the Board is Dr. Adi Cooper.

The Board Manager is Patricia Cox.

What the Board does

The board meets quarterly and their work includes:

  • co-ordinating activity between agencies
  • facilitating joint training
  • monitoring and reviewing progress in safeguarding practice
  • developing ways of working which will improve our ability to support Camden residents across the community to live a life free from abuse
  • learning from lessons where people have not been adequately protected

The Board has four sub-groups which are responsible for carrying out much of the work agreed in the Board’s strategies and annual plan. The four sub-groups are:

  • Safeguarding Adults Review Sub-group
  • Quality & Performance Sub-group
  • Learning & Development Sub-group
  • Safeguarding Engagement Sub-group

Practitioners are welcome to shadow a sub-group to learn more about the work of the Board. If you are interested in getting involved you can contact [email protected]

Establishment Concerns Procedure

The Establishment Concerns Process (ECP) provides a framework for the
management of enquiries into concerns involving actual or potential abuse or neglect
of adults with care and support needs on an organisational scale within a regulated
or contracted health or social care setting.

The ECP is a collective responsibility to contribute resources and expertise from Safeguarding Adult Board partner agencies to achieve the best outcomes for service users. The full ECP guidance can be found here.

Last updated: 18 November 2024