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High Risk

Resources to support a resident with high risk needs

High Risk

High risks are associated with one or more of the following that can include: complex health issues, fire risks or environmental hazards, self-neglect, domestic abuse, substance misuse, threatened homelessness, mental health issues, and others.

The High Risk Panel (HRP) provides a multi-agency way of managing work on complex and high risk cases, such as hoarding, fire risk, and self-neglect. The HRP plays a consultative and advisory role and discusses cases which have been presented to them for advice and guidance.

The HRP aims to support agencies in their work to reduce and manage risk for both individuals and immediate neighbours. They will discuss how to reduce and manage risks with a view to determining next steps, as well as identifying multi-agency solutions, action plans and when to make appropriate safeguarding referrals. The panel’s role is to challenge, guide and advise practitioners, as well as assist with the coordination of cases where cross-organisational barriers exist. The panel will consider any vulnerability or equality/diversity issues within their recommendations.

The panel is made up of representatives from

  • Housing
  • Adult Social Care
  • Camden and Islington Foundation Trust
  • Age UK
  • Camden Clinical Commissioning Group
  • Environmental Health
  • Police
  • London Fire Brigade

The panel meets every 6 weeks to discuss up to 6 cases.

Last updated: 25 February 2025