What Matters to people
The virtual ASC Neighbourhoods Service Quality Assurance Panel will consist of 1 x Service Manager (SM) and 1 x Team Manager/Senior Practitioner (TM/SP).
It will be held virtually twice a week (on Monday and Thursday) with a maximum of 5 requests per session.
All commissioned package of care/DP and residential/nursing placements over £500 per week and up to £1,200 must be submitted to panel for authorisation. Anything over £1200 will need to be authorised by service manager then sent to head of service for ratification.
Practitioners in ASC Neighbourhoods Service can book a slot for panel via the ASC Neighbourhoods Sharepoint: Quality Assurance Panel (QAP).
Practitioners do not need to attend the panel meeting unless requested to do so we would suggest they may themselves available during their scheduled slot.
The panel will aim to provide feedback and panel outcome in 24 hours. The feedback will be provided via case notes and by an email sent to practitioner and their manager. The title of case notes will be 'Quality assurance panel funding request outcome’.
Practitioners do not need to complete a separate panel form but would need to capture all relevant information within case notes and the conversation 3 document or the What Matters support plan review document. This will reduce duplication and unnecessary paperwork.
Note to Practitioner: Please include a case note titled ‘Quality Assurance Panel request’.