What Matters to people
Where a person appears to lack capacity with regards to decisions about their care, the formal Mental Capacity Assessment and Best Interest Decision making process must be followed, before any application for funding and arrangement of services.
This includes the completion of the relevant forms/episodes within Mosaic. Mental capacity assessments must be captured in the mental capacity episode and the best interest decision within the best interest meeting episode.
Only where the situation is an emergency, the capacity assessment can be noted in case notes on Mosaic and then the formal processes completed once the situation has been made safe. Please note that any decision made on behalf of person who may lack capacity is only lawful if the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act are followed.
Case law regarding mental capacity assessment for social media and internet use can be found here.
Additionally the Islington Safeguarding Adults Board has put together some information regarding how in Adult Social Care we can get better at using the Mental Capacity Act in practice.
The Research in Practice MCA Decision Making - Care, support and treatment document explores care and support planning within direct care settings under the Mental Capacity Act
2005 (MCA). It focuses on care planning and delivery of day to day care, support and treatment in direct care settings.