Identity Matters
Members of the LGBTQ+ communities can be reluctant to report hate crimes, reasons for this may include:
- LGBTQ+ victims perceive homophobia and transphobia as everyday occurrences and therefore not worth reporting.
- Mistrust of authority/police based on historical prejudice - particularly true of older LGBTQ+ people.
- Worries of not being taken seriously.
- Thinking that the incident isn’t important enough to report.
- Fear of victim being ‘victimised’ or blamed for the incident.
Many cases of hate crime have a contributing mental health factor for victims and/or perpetrators. It is well documented that LGBTQ+ people are more likely to experience a range of mental health problems such as depression, suicidal thoughts, self-harm and alcohol and substance misuse.
Forum+ provides support services to local adult LGBT+ victims of hate crime: Services – forum+ (
The LGBT Foundation has a guide to reporting Hate Crime: hatecrime2020.indd ( which includes a helpline.