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Advocacy services that are provided by the commissioned service, CIIAS, delivered by Rethink Advocacy, Details about eligibility and how to refer into the services.


The Camden and Islington Integrated Advocacy Service (CIIAS) is delivered by Rethink Advocacy.

CIIAS provides the following advocacy services:

Court of Protection 1.2 Representative (CoP); Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS); Independent Care and Support Advocacy under the Care Act (ICSA); Independent Health Complaints Advocacy (IHCA); Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA)    Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA); Non-statutory Advocacy; and co-ordination of Paid Relevant Person Representatives (PRPR),

The Camden and Islington Integrated Advocacy Service Local Operating Procedure (LOP) provides details about eligibility criteria, how to make a referral and how referrals are allocated.  

IMCA: Out of Borough Referrals

IMCA referrals do not follow the general eligibility criteria for people residing in Camden. The Mental Capacity Act Code of Practice states that the IMCA service to be instructed is the one which ‘works wherever the person is at the time that the person needs support and representation’ (S.10.12).

This applies to people who are ordinary residents of Camden but are currently residing in another borough e.g., in a supported living arrangement. In this case you will need to make a referral to the relevant IMCA service within the borough.

Referral forms are provided in the links below.

Last updated: 20 July 2023