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Advocacy services that are provided by the commissioned service, CIIAS, delivered by Rethink Advocacy, Details about eligibility and how to refer into the services.


The Camden and Islington Integrated Advocacy Service (CIIAS) is delivered by Rethink Advocacy.

CIIAS provides the following advocacy services:

Court of Protection 1.2 Representative (CoP); Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS); Independent Care and Support Advocacy under the Care Act (ICSA); Independent Health Complaints Advocacy (IHCA); Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA)    Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA); Non-statutory Advocacy; and co-ordination of Paid Relevant Person Representatives (PRPR),

The Camden and Islington Integrated Advocacy Service Local Operating Procedure (LOP) provides details about eligibility criteria, how to make a referral and how referrals are allocated.  

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguard (DoLS)

The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards introduced further roles for IMCAs. DoLS 39A IMCAs only deal with issues relating to deprivation of liberty applications/authorisations.

DoLS Eligibility Criteria

The relevant person must be 18 years or over. In these cases the IMCA is there to ensure that decisions made are the least restrictive and in the relevant person’s best interests.

DoLS Referral Information

DoLS 39A referrals will require the sharing of the following DoLS forms:

• Form 1 – Request for Standard Authorisation and Urgent Authorisation

Last updated: 20 July 2023