What Matters to people
In Camden, we do not make any attempt at formally determining Care Act 2014 eligibility till the Conversation 3 stage. This is a fundamental principle of the 3 Conversations approach.
Our approach is designed to be Care Act compliant, ensuring that we meet our statutory duties including those in relation to determining eligibility under the Care Act 2014.
During Conversation 3, practitioners complete an assessment of the person to determine what matters most to them as well as how best to support them to live a good life. The practitioner will consider the person’s needs as well as their strengths, will consider the support provided and needed by those that care for the person and they will work with the person and their network to co-produce a support plan that really matters to them.
We use the terms a ‘good’ life and an ‘ordinary’ life interchangeably as we recognise that for some, living an ordinary life is in fact, a good life.
The information shared during Conversations 1 and 2 contribute to the determination of eligibility.