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SARS and Learning from Cases

Information on previous safeguarding cases and lessons learned

SARS and Learning from Cases

The purpose of Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARS) is to consider what could have been done differently to predict or prevent harm to the individual involved. In this section you can find learning from safeguarding cases in Camden and SARS

All Camden's published SARS can be found on the Camden Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board website

In Camden, a SAR Panel with an Independent Chairperson oversees the Review. The Panel includes senior staff representing key agencies. The Panel will draw up the terms of reference to determine the scope of the Review, which will include the main issues to look at, the time period under review, who should be involved and when the review will be completed.

Usually each identified agency will produce a chronology of interaction with the subject of the SAR and either a short report or an Individual Management Review (IMR) which involves reviewing their own agency’s involvement with the case, looking openly at individual and organisational practice to see if there are lessons to be learnt. They will read the files and may speak with key staff and managers who were involved in the case.

The SAPB will commission an independent Lead Reviewer to review all of the evidence and produce the Overview Report. The Lead Reviewer may also consult front line staff and their managers to inform the final report. This is achieved through multi agency feedback or consultation events.

A multi-agency action plan will be produced based on recommendations from the IMRs and the Overview Report. The implementation of actions will be monitored by the CSAPB SAR Sub Group to ensure that the learning from the review makes a positive difference to adults with care and support needs in Camden.

The CSAPB will ensure that those involved in the Review are debriefed and relevant findings are also disseminated across all agencies e.g. through training or briefing events.

The final report and Executive Summary will be published on the CSAPB website and progress against actions and improvements will be in the Annual Report for the following year.

Who might be involved?

  • Professionals who worked with the adult.
  • The adult concerned, their family, advocate, carer, friend.
  • SARS encourage honesty and transparency and provide a safe place to share information; to identify any issues in multi or single agency policies and procedures.

Leaflet for professionals

Leaflet for families, friends, and carers


Last updated: 25 May 2023