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High Risk Panel

Information about the High Risk Panel and how to refer

High Risk Panel

High Risk Panel was established by the Camden Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board to provide a multi-agency way of supporting individuals with complex needs presenting with high risk in order to secure positive and person-centred outcomes. All safeguarding cases should still be referred to the Safeguarding team (MASH)

When significant risks of harm have been identified or when low level risk has increased following failed interventions, a multi-agency response is required. Options should be explored at a multi-agency meeting and a plan of action agreed.

There are instances where high risk cases do not meet the criteria for safeguarding, but there are still concerns about the level of risk. This is where the presenting practitioner would benefit from the support of a multi-agency approach. This can facilitate more effective working practices, sharing of knowledge, experience and interventions that could move high risk cases forward to the benefit of the high risk adult. However if no positive outcomes are reached, then a referral should be made to the high risk panel.

Referrals should be made only after other avenues to reduce risk have been exhausted elsewhere and advice and direction is needed. For cases to be accepted to the High Risk panel, practitioners need to demonstrate that a range of options have been considered or tried to reduce the risks to the individual with little or no effect.

High risk cases are commonly, but not limited to hoarding, self-neglect and refusal to engage.

 Please complete the referral form in full and email it to [email protected].

Urgent cases should be referred via the Camden ASC MASH team ([email protected]).

Last updated: 25 May 2023