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Tools and information to support ASC staff to be prepared for CQC Assurance (now completed)

CQC Assurance

Care Quality Commission (CQC) assurance was a review of how Camden Adult Social Care delivered on their Care Act 2014 duties. Like Ofsted in Children and Learning, this process is the Adult Social Care version of an inspection.

In Camden, we are confident in the support we provide to residents. The CQC assurance provided us an opportunity to gather evidence to showcase the great ways in which we supported people - and continue to support people, whilst carrying out Care Act duties. 

The CQC inspectors on-site visit was on 18 November to 20 November.

If you have questions, please contact Cynthia Davis, Head of Adult Social Care Innovation at [email protected] or [email protected].

Please find below a message from Jess McGregor on 25 September 2024 regarding notification of CQC visiting our Adult Social Care service in November.


We have now been informed by CQC that the next phase of our inspection will involve an on-site visit during the week commencing 18 November 2024.  

 As part of the assessment process, you’ll remember that we submitted a whole suite of information to CQC back in July, including our self-assessment. A huge thank you again to everyone who contributed to that work. This will have helped CQC understand how we are delivering our services and enabled them to identify areas to focus on during their visit.  

  The CQC inspectors will be examining how we perform in four crucial areas:  

  • working with people,   
  • providing support,   
  • safety  
  • leading well.   

 We’ve held some workshops and discussions about these themes, and we’ll share more on each of these in the coming weeks too.   

During their visit in November, CQC inspectors will be meeting council leaders, staff, people who draw on social care, carers, voluntary and community groups and care providers. They will also review information and data to understand how we are meeting our duties. 

Some of us may be asked to share our experiences or be interviewed by inspectors. This will be an opportunity to celebrate and showcase the work that you do and the impact it has on the people who draw on our services.  

To help you feel prepared, we are in the process of compiling some helpful tips and information about what to expect. This includes questions an inspector may ask you, how to talk about your work, and how to deal with any requests for background documents. We’ll be sharing this with you soon.  

Over the coming weeks, we’ll keep you up to date with any new information and there will be opportunities for us to come together and discuss the CQC process in more detail.   

Whilst external assessment can be daunting, I know that we have a great story to tell, and I’m really proud of the work we do here. This will be a great opportunity for us to reflect on our strengths and learn more about how we may be able to improve some of what we do.  

 If you’d like to chat more about this, please reach out to your manager, Cynthia Davis or me.  

Last updated: 26 September 2024