What Matters
When discussing positive risk taking the level and type of risk will need to be evaluated because not every situation or activity involves a risk that needs to be assessed or managed. Risks can vary in degree and can therefore be of no greater risk to the adult than it would be for any other person.
It is important to consider all aspects of the adult’s well-being and personal circumstances when identifying risk, sources of risk may fall into one of four categories:
- private and family life – The risk may be from someone such as a partner or other family member.
- community based risks – This type of risk can include issues like anti-social behaviour and mate crime.
- risks associated with service provision – This refers to concerns about poor care such as neglect or organisational abuse, or where a person in a position of trust because of the job they do financially or sexually exploits someone.
- self-neglect - The source of risk is the person themselves