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Information to help manage residents safety.

Resident safety

Belongings left in communal areas

  • As a local authority we have the same obligations to look after belongings found in communal areas as we do inside homes.  If we know it is likely to belong to someone and not something just dumped we can't just clear it.
  • Our fire safety policy outlines our policy towards what can and cannot be left in communal areas and this varies around the kind of property it is.  In street properties we generally have a zero tolerance approach and nothing must be kept outside a home.
  • It is best to try to find out who it belongs to first and talk to them to explain why they cannot leave their items outside.
  • Leafleting or a standard letter where you do not know the address may also help.
  • We need to give notice if we want to dispose of anything unless the item is either perishable or would be too difficult to store (cans of petrol for example).
  • Unless we are sure who the items belong to a notice should be pinned on or very near the belongings.  We call this notice a Section 41 notice.  It explains that after a month the items will belong to us and we can get rid of them.  The notice should also explain how quickly we will remove the items.  This will depend on how much of a hazard they are causing. 
  • If we need to move the items before the months notice expires we will need to store them which might be locally in a caretakers store or with storage contractors.
  • There is a link at the top of this page to the full belongings left in communal areas guidance.
  • Residents have been given advice with their quarterly rent statement including about storage.



Last updated: 11 March 2020