Welfare checks
Landlord services teams will contact older (over 70s) and vulnerable tenants and leaseholders to carry out welfare checks. This guidance suggests what the calls could cover.
There has been publicity about people using the coronavirus to scam others by pretending to offer help. An option is to advise residents they can call you back on your extension through the Councils switchboard (020 7974 4444).
Before the call:
- If you’re not the NHO, check who they are before you call so you can give their contact details
- Check the rent account
- Have the Age UK nos (020 7837 3777 or 020 7239 0400) and our Covid-19 helpline number (0207 974 4444 option 9) to hand
- Explain who you are and that the Council is contacting our tenants / leaseholders to check they are OK given the current coronavirus pandemic
- Ask if they have anyone to help them if they need it
- If yes, would they like you to make a note of who that is
- If no, is there any help that they need now?
- Do they have everything they need? (if you identify a need for an emergency food package check whether the resident would like Age UK’s contact details or if they would like you to arrange this – housebound residents don’t need to be over 55 to be eligible)
- Do they have any questions or worries?
- Do they know how to contact their neighbourhood housing officer if they need help?
- Would they like the Council’s Covid-19 help line number (0207 974 4444 option 9)?
- Would they like a call back another day?
Follow up:
- Create an LWP case (or an event on an existing case noting any contextual demands) using the Covid-19 presenting demand
- Create a case / event even if the call was unanswered with a record of any subsequent calls
- Request a food parcel from Age UK if applicable (see separate guidance not about how to access these) or a welfare assistance fund application
- Consider if there is any other practical help we can offer
Or if a referral to ASC needs to be made
- Consider creating a task on your case for any follow up calls / work
- Talk to a manager or colleague if you need support with your call
Other things you could check in appropriate cases:
- Do they have a repeat prescription? If so, do they have enough medication for now?
- Do they have enough food in the house?
- Are they able to pay their bills (see separate guidance about ways to pay rent)?
- Are they aware that the over 70s have been asked to stay at home?
- Do they have a way to keep in touch with the news (a TV or radio or access to internet)?
If you can't get in touch
- Check TRIM, Northgate and LWP - do we have other contact details for them?
- Do we have contact details for a next of kin or other family members?
- Check the residents index - are there any other contact details for them or other household members?
- Do they have a carer or otherwise known to ASC?
- If you are unable to contact a resident we can ask repairs operatives to visit. To do this email Loretta Chalkley ccing Soleil Brennan.
- include as much information as relevant about the tenant for example, if they need more time to get to the door, are there are language issues, risk issues and so on.
- if the call is needed at a certain time of day
- what you would like the repairs team to do for example, leave a note to contact you.
Added 24/3/20
Updated 6/4/20