The Hub
Our housing guidance site
A central place for guidance for staff.
In recognition of the increased risk of food poverty in Camden due to Covid-19, we are partnering with Age UK to deliver emergency food packages to those that are:
For clarity: although we are partnering with Age UK, this offer is not restricted to those over 55. It is for anyone that is housebound, can’t get food and is in food crisis.
From Tuesday 24th March Camden residents experiencing the challenges listed above will be able to get one of these emergency food packages through:
We are exploring how to refer from other VCS orgs, but in the immediate term VCS partners can call Age UK.
The emergency package contains: milk, bread, butter, eggs, biscuits, tea, coffee, tinned food, cereal, toilet roll & soap.
If you know of a resident that needs this support, you can refer them using this online form.
There are two versions for the form. One for the north and south of the borough, depending on where the resident being referred lives.
Anything north of Mornington Crescent tube will be NORTH & anything south, so including Somers Town and King’s Cross, will be SOUTH.
The referrals will then be sent to the relevant team for distribution
You will need to provide the following information:
Age UK have said that referrals before midday will get a same day delivery and referrals after that will be the next day. Weekend timings still being looked at.
This a new service that we have implemented rapidly to try and respond to the challenges posed by Covid-19. We know we need to do more to prevent people going into food crisis. Work to this effect in underway and more details will follow.
Please contact [email protected] for further questions.
Added 24/3/20
Updated 26/3/20