Essential repair transfers take place when residents have to move out of their homes, either temporarily or permanently, to allow us to carry out repairs.
These pages set out practical steps for staff to follow when dealing with an essential repair transfer.
Where a permanent offer is made the offer process is the same as other permanent transfers. On Northgate both the termination and void reasons are ESSREPAIRS.
For temporary moves the tenant continues to pay rent on their original home but signed up on a license agreement (see under “Essential repairs”) for the property they move to. Northgate should be updated to redirect correspondence etc.
As the tenant will be charged rent for their secure tenancy the licence agreement should have nil rent written on it. If the rent for the temporary address is less than for their secure tenancy, they should be refunded the difference onto their rent account as a rent credit. Remember to flag up with rent support to amend back to full rent when they return.
Council tax and utilities are payable for the temporary accommodation. The tenant will need to let Council tax know (who will stop charging for the permanent accommodation if it is unoccupied) and the utilities companies.
NHMs should keep an overview of all of these (weekly reports are sent to Z:\General Information\tenancies ending) and be aware of any cases still needing to move.
There is a step by step guide for updating Northgate for essential repair temporary moves here.