Essential repair transfers take place when residents have to move out of their homes, either temporarily or permanently, to allow us to carry out repairs.
These pages set out practical steps for staff to follow when dealing with an essential repair transfer.
See the full procedure (section 10) for guidance on how to deal with leaseholders.
Where emergency temporary accommodation is required by a TMO, the details should be passed by the TMO to the NHT who cover the patch that the TMO is in. The cost of the alternative accommodation is met by the Council and not the TMO.
Tenants asking to stay permanently
If someone moves temporarily they may ask to stay on a permanent basis.
If they decide that they wish to remain in their temporary home where works have exceeded 2 months the NHO and NHM should make a decision about whether to allow this based upon the household composition, the property size, and floor level. Note that if the property has previously been offered and accepted by someone waiting to move in, or on the ground floor (which isn’t needed) the request to remain should be refused. The position should also be agreed with the “outgoing” NHO and NHM.
Where there are no reasons why the request to remain should not be agreed, contact the housing placements service manager to agree the permanent allocation.