Family Early Help
This will help you explore the world of a child, parent or family - friends, family, trusted people and community.
Remember to also think about doing:
- a family genogram (to map out the people in the family system, past and present, and the quality of thse relationships)
- a community genogram (to map out the places each family member goes to and how they feel in that place)
- a play genogram with any younger children to explore how they view the people in their life, friends, family, trusted people etc
Doing these things will help you get a complete sense of the whole family system - their world inside the home and outside the home, and past and present. You can find more information and tools about genograms here (scroll about half way down the link)
If you prefer you could use this Relationship Map which maps out people who are very close to me and who I trust, people who I like to meet and spend time with, and people who I know and who might be important. Good for exploring relationships with a child or young person
Family Early Help Relationship Map