Family Early Help
Following on from that idea of 'use of self', building the relationship online with a child or parent can feel much harder than when we do our work face to face. Here are some documents and ideas for approaching this.
What Makes a Good Virtual Home Visit?
Manchester Metropolitan University have completed some brilliant research with families and workers from Homestart about what helps to make a virtual home visit helpful and purposeful.
You can find the slide pack here - its well worth a read for ideas, tips and things to think about when you do virtual home visits
Communicating Online – Building Rapport
A helpful guide of things to think about to help build and sustain a relationship when communicating electronically.
Communicating - Building Rapport Online
Thinking About Non Verbal Communication Through a Virtual Lens
This image considers some of the ways we non-verbally communicate, and how these might show up in a virtual visit. We are communicating non-verbally even in a phone call.
There is more about this in the Manchester Metropolitan University slide pack above.
Having Boundaried Conversations – Webinar
This is the slide pack from a webinar we ran for the COVID support line team and shielding callers team on how to keep conversations boundaried and helpful for the person making/receiving the call and the person they're talking to (image is of one of the slides, click the link to see more)
COVID Webinar on Boundaried Conversations