Family Early Help
Read this document "Welcome: A Guide for New Refugees"
Its a helpful introduction to some of the things to think about for refugees and those supporting them. We've used a lot of the content to help inform this Guidebook section.
Not all of the welcome booklet is relevant for Afghan refugees who were evacuated, as its been written from the perspective of a refugee who applied for asylum in the UK and had previously received Home Office support.
So use it as a general introduction, and then use the tabs on the left to give you specific information about Afghan refugees who arrived in the UK under the August 2021 evacuation programme.
This document is also available in
Pashtu Welcome: a guide for new refugees (
Farsi Welcome: a guide for new refugees (
A note of caution that the content of these guides is not tailored to Afghan refugees unique circumstances so take care if you give these links to Afghan refugee families you are working with.