Social Prescribing
What is social prescribing?
Social prescribing is an approach that aims to support people to find ways to improve and take control of their health and wellbeing, by connecting them into non-clinical support or groups in their community or local area so that they may manage their practical, social and emotional needs.
The types of support that the person can be connected to include:
- What’s available in the community or local area for personalised support with their wellbeing through activity classes, befriending, volunteering, or other opportunities to stimulate sense of purpose
- Support to make healthier lifestyle choices such as diet and healthy eating, smoking, and exercise
- Connecting to peer support groups to manage long term conditions such as diabetes, long Covid, and other health needs
See below 'Support connected to' for further information.
Care Navigation service – If the person has long term or complex health conditions and they require personalised support to help identify needs and help with navigating the local care system, they may be referred to the Care Navigation Service. This is up to 4 weeks of personalised case management support, connected to a multi-disciplinary team of clinicians and voluntary & community sector (VCS) services.