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Scam Prevention

Information on Age UK's community service that supports people with scam prevention.

Scam Prevention

Age UK's Scams Prevention and Support Programme provides one-to-one advice sessions to older people at risk of scams or who have been scammed. The sessions provide in-depth scams information and advice tailored to the individual and may lead to referrals to other services. The programme also delivers awareness-raising talks to provide general information on how to spot and avoid different types of scams, and how to take action against suspected scams.

Age UK's Camden Information & Advice team has launched a project to raise awareness of Scams Prevention and Support.  The project is funded until December 2025.  


The project offers: 


- One-to-one support for any Camden resident aged 50+ who have concerns about scams, who have been the victim of a scam or they would just like more information and tips of how to avoid scams.


Age UK's team knows that scams are continually on the increase and forever evolving.  These one-to-one sessions aim to make clients feel more confident and better equipped to recognise a scam.  The advice session can take place in their own homes, face-to-face at another location or over the telephone. Please contact or refer directly to


- Group talks and presentations across Camden.  The team will focus on organisations that support older people, community groups, social groups, sheltered housing schemes etc.


If your group or organisation would like one of these talks/presentations please email and


Age UK's Information and Advice team can visit any organisation throughout Camden and collaborate with other organisations. They will be working closely with Trading Standards, the Police and Camden Community Safety Officers to deliver this project to as many people as possible.


Please use the link below for further information from Age UK regarding scam prevention and support including their contact number for their advice team. . You can get in touch with their advisors today on: 020 7837 3777.  

Scams Prevention Support Poster May 2024


Last updated: 24 May 2024