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Overview of Support at Home Pilot

The Support at Home Pilot is developed with Provider Services, Commissioning, and Neighbourhood teams.

Overview of Support at Home Pilot

The pilot is part of the Care & Support at Home programme. It will utilise trauma informed practice to work with people in the community. It takes a preventative approach and proactively supports people who draw on care and support to prevent them getting into crisis situations.

Initially, the pilot will be limited to referrals from ASC Neighbourhoods teams to manage capacity and get the service operational. Throughout the journey of the pilot, capacity will be reviewed so that over time, other teams in ASC may be able to make referrals.

The Support at Home Pilot will offer person centred, flexible, strength-based support and connect residents to their community or neighbourhood. We will provide support for a small group of residents who have not thrived within the current health and care system and who may benefit from a more person-centred service which can provide a wraparound service with consistent care workers.

The model will start small and grow, with a view to building a person’s network, resilience, adapting a strength-based approach and reducing intensive support but in a way that the people still feel supported.

Initially, the pilot will be limited to referrals from the ASC Neighbourhoods Teams to ensure the service has capacity to consider referrals and get the service operational. Throughout the journey of the pilot this will be reviewed with the plan to eventually expand this to other teams in ASC such as Hospital Discharge.

Who is the Pilot for?

The service is for adults who live in Camden and have had an adult social care assessment. Initially we are seeking referrals for people who:

  1. Residents already in the service (known to ASC) Means they have a suitable need (care and support assessment).
  2. History of traditional homecare services not achieving the desired outcomes/ history of breakdowns in relationships with ASC/Care providers etc.
  3. People at risk of risk of support breaking down/deterioration of needs (early intervention)
  4. Assessed care and support need but no current Package of Care
  5. Conversation 1 – not progressed with a pattern of multiple requests for support back into the service.
  6. Multiple agency involvement – unable to meet the person’s needs within existing system
  7. Fluctuating support needs (low, medium, high)
  8. Lives within the community (within their own home)
  9. Autistic adults who have been assessed as requiring support with care at home (without a learning disability)
  10. Residents who fall below the thresholds for LD and MH criteria
  11. People who experience barriers in accessing existing services

Who will deliver the service?

The pilot will adopt a test and learn approach to be delivered by the Bramshurst service which is part of ASC Provider Services. A booklet about the Bramshurst service is available..

The staff delivering the service will be based at Bramshurst which is a service providing support to residents with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI).

What support will staff provide?

The primary offer from the pilot will be to support people with a care and support need through a holistic approach, supporting them to become more independent through prompting and developing confidence to enable them to thrive day to day and navigate community networks.

Staff will be able to provide support and prompts with personal care as this is regulated activity and the service is CQC registered. The pilot will also test working alongside existing providers (e.g. double handed care packages) to supplement an existing package.

How long will the pilot last?

The pilot will last for 18 months with regular reviews planned with the project team to be able to closely monitor the learning and make early decisions on future plans.

Adopting a test and learn approach will allow for the pilot team to adapt the service based on the needs of residents / gaps in provision.

Last updated: 16 January 2025