Money Matters
Communication between social care practitioners and PFS workers is essential when it comes to a person's finances. The Office of the Public Guardian - Standards for Local Authority Deputies are the standards that a local authority must adhere to as a Local Authority Deputy. Both practitioners and allocated caseworkers from PFS must work together to ensure these standards are met. These standards are also embedded in relevant PFS guidance and procedures.
Social care practitioners and PFS caseworkers must communicate to ensure any information about a person’s major change of circumstances is shared.
Practitioners will need to inform PFS about:
- any financial abuse concerns and the interim protection plan
- death of an individual
- change of residence: either temporary or permanent, community to residential and vice versa
- relationships: Next of Kin, friends, significant others
- significant decision making on any matter relating to finances
In turn, PFS caseworkers will be required to share with practitioners:
- information about a person's ownership of property in the UK or abroad
- large benefits payment or other large sums of money which become available for the use of the individual
- confirmation when Appointee or Deputyship status has been authorised
- if/when family approach directly for finance or information
- if there are any financial safeguarding or fraud issues to be investigated.
The PFS caseworker is also responsible for liaising with the Awards and Contribution Team (ACT) to ensure charges are accurate and paid in a timely manner.