Money Matters
There are a number of schemes/grants that provide support with energy costs:
- Energy Bill Support Scheme
- Warm Home Discount Scheme
- Water bill support
Energy Bill Support Scheme
What is it - the scheme provides a non-repayable £400 sum to households who did not receive the original energy bills support, to help with the costs. Applications can be made online, or those without internet access can phone 0808 175 3287.
Who is eligible - This scheme is for people who did not receive the original energy bills support, such as those without their own electricity meter or without a direct relationship to an electricity supplier. This can include people living in care homes, caravans, houseboats and some private tenants.
Further information - further informarion (including how to apply) can be found on this page.
Warm Home discount scheme
What it is - the scheme provides eligible residents £150 off their electricity bill for winter 2023/2024.
The discount may be applied to the gas bill as well if their energy supplier provides gas and electricity.
The discount does not affect Cold Weather Payment or Winter Fuel Payment.
Who is eligible
If you live in England and Wales, you qualify if you either:
- get the Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit
are on a low income and have high energy costs
Further details can be found here.
Water bill support
Support with paying water bills is available through the WaterSure bill cap and WaterHelp scheme (2023/24).
What is it - WaterHelp is a discount on your water bill costs. WaterSecure is a means-tested bill cap scheme.
Elibility - this support offer is available to:
- low-income households
- households whose water bill takes up a large proportion of their household income
- households with large families
- those who have a water-dependent medical condition
Further infomation, including on eligibility criteria and how to apply can be found here.
Residents can also be referred to WISH Plus for debt and income support.