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Information on Adult Social Care's Welfare Rights team and accessing support for benefits

Benefits Advice

The Welfare Rights team provides information and advice on welfare benefits to Camden residents that draw on social care services, including sick or disabled and older people. The Welfare Rights team are able to advise practitioners that are supporting adults who receive welfare benefits.  The Welfare Rights team's approach to providing support is through training and promoting choice in order to achieve independence, economic wellbeing and reduced poverty.

Referrals should be made using the web form.

Some referrals will be rejected if they do not meet our referral criteria.

All referrals will be screened before acceptance, some may be refused and you will receive a notification. Please refer people that need benefits advice, but please note that we do not give debt advice for debt advice you will need to refer to another advice agency.

People can be connected to support relating to debt by being referred to the Camden Advice Network, or WISH Plus.

Further advice for referring to the Welfare Rights Team:

  • Please ensure that you do not refer people that are already being seen by an another advice agency.
  • Please give us as much information as you know regarding their income, capital and health problems. The team will not be able to accept referrals that do not meet this criteria. 
Last updated: 27 November 2023