Benefits and Welfare Rights
What is the Council Tax Discretionary Reduction Scheme?
- If a resident has outstanding Council Tax arrears it may be possible for them to apply for a Discretionary Council Tax Reduction. The application form is available on the Council website.
- AIso, it is recommended to seek advice from ASC Welfare Rights Team or one of the Camden Advice Partners who give debt advice.
Who is eligible for a Council Tax discount/reduction?
To be considered for a discount, a Camden resident will need to show:
- evidence of financial hardship or personal circumstances meaning that they cannot pay their bill
- they have taken reasonable steps to try and resolve the situation
- they have already applied for Council Tax support
- all other discounts or awards that they are eligible for have already been awarded
- they do not have access to other assets that could be used to pay the bill.
How to apply for a Council Tax discretionary discount
A Camden resident may apply for a discretionary discount by visiting the Discretionary Council Tax Discounts page of the Council website.
On that page is a blue box containing an 'Apply for a Discretionary Reduction' link. The application form needs to be downloaded and printed.
Once it is completed, it can be sent to:
The London Borough of Camden
Taxation Manager (Recovery)
4th Floor
5 Pancras Square
For questions about the application form, phone 020 7974 6414.
Information about other Council Tax discounts and exemptions can be found on the Camden Council website.